With delegated underwriting, we provide lenders with the assurance and flexibility they need to originate more loans. We are excited to offer SafeGuard® Plus, which provides rescission relief for qualifying loans in less than 12 months after successful Independent Validation is completed. SafeGuard Plus is National MI’s common-sense and flexible approach to underwriting decisions with no surprises or hidden agendas.

Delegated Assurance Review (DAR):
Our DAR process provides an upfront underwriting review that assists with your loan manufacturing quality in order to provide more confidence to meet National MI insurance requirements.
After a successful Independent Validation through the DAR process, coverage will not be rescinded based on the original approved underwriting of the loan (including the appraisal), subject to the Master Policy and all life-of-coverage exclusions.
National MI is committed to providing flexible options that best fit your needs, whether you choose early rescission relief with Independent Validation or our 36 month rescission relief path.
For more information, contact your National MI Sales Advisor or Solution Center at 855.317.4NMI (4664) between 5am and 5pm PT (M-F).
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