Documentation Requirements
Depending upon the MI submission path, submit the following relevant
- Completed & Signed National MI High LTV Relief Refinance Certificate Change Request Form
- Completed & Signed National MI High LTV Relief Refinance Certificate Change Request Form
- Loan Payment History of Existing Loan (may be documented via current credit report)
- Copy of Original Note on Existing Loan
- New Loan Application (Form 1003)
- New Transmittal Underwriting Summary (Form 1008 – or lender’s equivalent underwriting analysis or underwriting summary form)
- AUS final reports (DU Findings/LPA Feedback, if applicable)
- Current Credit Report on all Borrowers
- Current Employment/Income (for at least one borrower provide VVOE, non-employment income documentation (if applicable), or Recent Financial Statement with 12 Months Reserves; additional documentation required if new P&I payment increasing >= 20% or if the ex-spouse borrower is being removed from the new refinance loan
- Current Assets (provide if new P&I payment increasing >= 20% or if the ex-spouse borrower is being removed from the Note on the new refinance loan)
- Current Property Valuation documentation (New Full Appraisal)
- Other Documents, as applicable
Submission Process for National MI’s Refinance Certificate Change Program
- National MI allows the following MI submission options:
- For single loan or multiple/bulk loan MI submissions, submit the relevant documents via either:
- ShareFile; or
- TLS email communication to
- Contact our Solution Center to set up ShareFile or to confirm your company has TLS approval: Call 855-317-4NMI (4664) between 5 am and 5 pm PT (M-F)
- For single loan Delegated MI submissions, complete, sign and submit the National MI High LTV Relief Refinance Certificate Change Request Form
- For single loan Non-Delegated MI submissions, complete and sign the National MI High LTV Relief Refinance Certificate Change Request Form and submit the form and relevant documents
- For multiple or bulk loan MI submissions, complete and submit the National MI High LTV Relief Refinance Certificate Change Request Spreadsheet
- For B2B/EDI transmissions, please contact the Solution Center at 855.317.4NMI (4664).
- Please do not cancel or terminate the National MI Certificate on the existing loan.
- Once National MI has received and reviewed the documents, we will provide the submitting lender with a notification.
- Within approximately 10 business days of receiving a complete and accurate MI submission, eligible loans will receive an interim replacement National MI Commitment with the same National MI certificate number.
Quick links to important resources
Refinance Certificate Change Request Form
Refinance Certificate Change Request Spreadsheet for Bulk Submissions
Refinance Certificate Change FAQ's
Please direct questions to:
-; or
- Call the Solution Center at 855.317.4NMI (4664) between 5am and 5pm PT (M-F).