National MI recognizes the benefits of equity and inclusion in the workplace and appreciates the diverse backgrounds of each of our employees. We value every individual. Our efforts to further inclusion, equity, and diversity guide us both internally and externally as we work to partner with diverse customers, clients, and vendors by providing innovative products & value-driven services.

Our Vision
To cultivate a corporate soul that thrives in the fair treatment of our diverse and talented associates, in our environmental conscience, in giving back to our communities, and advance the opportunity for borrowers to have access to responsible home ownership.
To promote activities that deliver the highest quality products and services to our customers, advance the opportunity for borrowers to have access to responsible home ownership and foster multicultural diversity and inclusiveness in the mortgage industry.
To act responsibly, ethically, and with integrity in how we conduct business as a great employer, corporate citizen, and neighbor.
To invest in the societies and economies in which we operate, and improve and support the communities in which we live and work.

“National MI recognizes that diversity is about empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different. We aspire to cultivate an inclusive culture that fosters growth, collaboration and acceptance. The need to celebrate, acknowledge and represent unique and diverse backgrounds has never been more important or relevant than it is today. Hiring and retaining individuals with an array of talents, ideas and experiences allows us to leverage our innovative workforce, compete in the marketplace and serve the community. We are all better for it.”
Tiffany Potts
Vice President, Human Resources
Our Voices

“I was one of the earlier employees and I know that when we were just getting started, one of the senior executives took the time to have meetings with staff to talk just about what kind of culture we wanted to build.”
Risk Management

“Everybody’s ready to fill the roles that need to be filled, to do the tasks that need to be done.”

“When I worked at large companies, you know large institutional banks, your login is XBBBYLZ. Here it’s my name.”

“I still pinch myself almost every day that I work for this great company.”
Underwriting Operations